
Neverwinter Nights 2 – fan art

I’m a sucker for RPGs. Usually I take the CD case and suck on it until I finish the whole campaign… and the secondary quests! That’s why my mouth is rectangular.

So I hereby present you, Dantha (my pink haired, half-drow, rogue/shadowdancer ) and Gannayev of Dreams (the spirit shaman companion that rapes girls in their dreams – no, really)… And that’s a 2 month improvement.

Deekin, the kobold companion

*to be read in a overly-dramatic voice
*Video Game references: Neverwinter Nights, League of Legends.

The faithful kobold companion
Was savoring his daily rotten onion.
He was overjoyed that this moment, finally,
There was no gruesome demon to steal it from he.

“Lo and behold!”, he exclaimed to the rest of the party,
“After I’m done feasting, I’ll be little Farty.”

As always, the master pretended not to hear
The gas that was passed from lil’ Deekin’s rear.

But there was a moment when the kobold got sad,
The moment he realized this onion that he had
Was not made from chocolate, his favorite food,
So the exquisite onion stopped being so good.

“Bist poim evaR!” – Teemo, also known as Satan.