
Poem #1

*To be read in a most dramatic voice.

It’s been nights, heck, even weeks since I can’t sleep,
The only thing I am able to do it’s stare at the sky and weep.

This great darkness surrounding me hurts
As no living person can pass through its wards.

I wish I could yell, could repair this mistake;
It wasn’t something that myself I did make.

For it was something much greater than I,
Much greater than even that fucking pi.

It was a quiet and usual night,
I was picking on forums, search for a fight,

Eating some sweet flavorous cake,
Drinking some juice and playing some Quake.

And then a most foul horror had happened
For I still don’t know how it had flappened.

My feline companion attacked with its gauntlet
And managed to spill all the juice on the outlet.

And ever sinces in darkness I was driven,
No second chance was I even given,

For no light would function properly,
In this house full or cat corpses and misery.

Deekin, the kobold companion

*to be read in a overly-dramatic voice
*Video Game references: Neverwinter Nights, League of Legends.

The faithful kobold companion
Was savoring his daily rotten onion.
He was overjoyed that this moment, finally,
There was no gruesome demon to steal it from he.

“Lo and behold!”, he exclaimed to the rest of the party,
“After I’m done feasting, I’ll be little Farty.”

As always, the master pretended not to hear
The gas that was passed from lil’ Deekin’s rear.

But there was a moment when the kobold got sad,
The moment he realized this onion that he had
Was not made from chocolate, his favorite food,
So the exquisite onion stopped being so good.

“Bist poim evaR!” – Teemo, also known as Satan.